11 October 2020


"On the 1st of February 2017 I was discharged from the psychiatric unit at PPUM after being under observation for 7 days following a suicide attempt.

"26 days later I took this photo in Australia when I went back to pack up my stuff. I cannot remember this day- or month. I'm not sure if you know this but Major Depressive Disorder can cause memory loss for some & for most of my 2016/2017 I have very little memories. Just a lot of photographs proving that I did many things.

"This year I am 3 years a survivor. I unfortunately don't have a happy ending telling you that it's all behind me now. I fight, every day- like everyone else suffering from mental illness.

"Be it depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia or other psychological conditions that steal your life away from you - it's an uphill battle. But we fight.

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"Some people do get better, others just become really good at managing it. Here's to our inner demons & learning how to live with them. If you are on a healing journey, trust the process. The first step is the hardest.

"If you are, or have a friend who may be suffering please educate yourself & speak to a professional. Mental health is health too. #worldmentalhealthday," demikialah tulis model dan pelakon Alicia Amin menerusi laman Instagram miliknya.

Apa-apapun, kata-kata Alicia itu ada betulnya, jangan ambil mudah masalah mental. Kami berharap orang ramai untuk hentikan diagnosis diri sendiri dengan contohnya penyakit depresi. Sila berunding dengan doktor pakar dulu.

www.myartis.com / Sumber & foto: Instagram Hlive & Alicia Amin


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