08 January 2022


"Dearest Rayqal, 13 years ago you entered the world, it all changed, I became a father. It seems very recent. When u were small I remember how you snuggled into a warm little ball in my arms, I studied every inch of you, looking at your tiny fingers and tiny toes.

"Sayang, things are changing, just as they are supposed to change, because you are growing up. It's kind of a difficult transition for me, I cant imagine how difficult it is for mummy seeing things changing so quickly before our eyes. But you should know I am incredibly proud of the young man you have become.

"So many things happened this past year, your voice changed, you grew taller than mummy and the most memorable and difficult one was when I had to send you to boarding school. I didn't know how you were going to cope, but I was so happy when you told me that you loved it over there. I don't know exactly what you will do or who you will be five years from now, but I hope that the path you are charting for yourself is good.

"But I am afraid for you too, I can't always save you in the ways that I once could. When you were younger, I could stop you before you crossed the road or grab your hand before you touched something dangerous.

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"Now you are facing problems that aren't always visible to me, youu are maturing, managing your own self. I tell my self that it is part of growing up and I have to accept it. But if you can slow down just a little, I will be fine with that, too 😂.

"Sayang customary advice I write to you yearly on your birthday, ingat selalu kepada Allah, hormati ibu, bapa, atok, tah dan semua kaum keluarga. Jadilah seorang yang berguna kepada agama, bangsa dan negara.

"I have one job. It is to be the best parent I can be. I hope I have done it well enough. I love you sayang! Happy Birthday! Love Always and forever," demikianlah ucapan bekas suami pelakon Nora Danish, Rizal Ashram Ramli atau Jejai buat anak sulungnya, Putra Rayqal Ramli yang kini menginjak usia 13 tahun.

Jejai yang berkongsi ucapan tersebut menerusi laman Instagram miliknya itu telah membuatkan ramai tersentuh selain turut menitipkan ucapan hari lahir buat Raykal.


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