05 April 2023


"This particular year I didn’t really give it much thought. I was still adjusting and acclimatising to my first Ramadan there after the traveling. All praises to Allah, I have too much to be grateful for.

"As with birthdays as celebratory as it may be, they are also humble reminders. It was His rizq, by His will and grace, that I was able to be in Madinah Al Munawarrah, the City of Light at the moment I turned a year older.

"Allahu Akbar. Alhamdulillah for my dearest husband, for the kindness and love, for him to want to try and make it that extra meaningful for me.

"I hope and pray that our hearts be granted and blessed with His Nur. For His Nur to enter and illuminate our ever fragile hearts. For it to be granted imaan, taqwa and ihsaan. For us to always want to strive to gain His pleasure," kongsi Lisa Surihani terhadap kemuliaan hati suaminya Yusry.

Apa-apapun, belum terlambat untuk mengucapkan Happy Birthday buat Datin Lisa Surihani yang ke 37 tahun.


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