Gara-gara gigi anak mereka Bella tumbuh... angkasawan negara Dr Sheikh Muszaphar dan Dr. Halina Mohd Yunos kelihatannya amat excited! Apa tidaknya, sebagai ibu bapa penyayang, apa sahaja perkembangan anak pastinya akan diambil berat... tambah-tambah anak sulung.
"No wonder it hurts y’all!! Bella dah tumbuh gigi!! I just realized it this morning.. and her daddy was so excited, went to grab the camera and asked me to hold her lips so he can take her gigi picture Tak sempat Bella nak pose..

"Hahhaha.. Cepat nyer gigi dia tumbuh.. according to my paediatric book (nerd!) gigi should come out around 6 month!! Mind you, Bella is not even 5 month old… Pengsan lar mommy jadi mangsa gigitan!!
"By the way, I have been trying the most popular method as suggested by most of you.. Tried to push her to my boobs whenever she bites. Guess what she did.. she bites even more!! MasyaAllah this girl.. her fight or flight response is maturing!! Hahahha.. she choose to FIGHT!! That’s mommy’s girl, Bella!!
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"Now I’m moving on to psychological approach.. talk to her while she’s feeding.. wish me luck!!" Ujar Dr. Halina.
"Bella is now 5 months old. She has grown super fast ! She's able to roll , loves watching BabyTV channel and has grown two tiny teeth - which explains why she puts everything into her mouth," kata Dr Sheikh Muszaphar pula.
Harap-harap lepas ni tak ada berita di akhbar yang menyiarkan artikel angkasawan kita cedera digigit anak sendiri... he he gurau saja tu.!
Bella - gemar masukkan jari dalam mulut...

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