Gambar-gambar Aaron Aziz dan isterinya, Diyana Halik bersiar-siar di London. Apa yang menariknya ketika disana, Aaron telah meraikan ulangtahun kelahiran isterinya itu.
"To my one and only Dar Dar @diyanahalik. We have climbed the highest peak of difficulties. We swam the deepest level of challenges. We ran the furthest length of missing each other and we withstood all tests that ALLAH has given us together for 13yrs.

"Never once have I regreted and never will I. Cos I know as long as its with you, its ALL good. HAPPY 34TH BIRTHDAY SAYANG. There is nothing more I can ask for but for you, us and our family to always be together in good health and good faith and endless happiness till ALLAH calls us 'back'. I love you Dar. I Love you 13 yrs then, I love you now till d end," ucapan Aaron buat isterinya.
"Thank u my love @aarondwiaziz for the bday present and most importantly thank u for walking with me, braving the rain at the streets of London!! Thank u Dar, love u," ujar Diyana pula di laman IGnya.

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