01 May 2019


Menerusi laman Instagram, pelakon Catriona Ross telah memberitahu dia melalui detik cemas apabila anaknya, Jamal Raes, 7, didapati berlumuran darah selepas terjatuh di dalam bilik air di rumahnya. Catriona berkata ia berlaku dengan pantas tanpa kawalan meskipun pembantu rumahnya ketika itu bersama dengan anak lelakinya.

Menceritakan detik cemas itu, Catriona memberitahu anaknya terus dikejarkan ke hospital dan dibawa terus masuk bilik pembedahan untuk melakukan prosedur selanjutnya.

"Our boy slipped and fell in the bathroom after returning home from school yesterday. Why? Things happen and its out of our control . Our helper who was beside him pun tak sempat catch him. It happened too fast and all I remember was seeing drips of blood on the floor......

"Rushed to hospital and brought him to the emergency unit. Nurses checked his wound, cuci luka, balut kepala and nurses prepared his IV set up and told me "He has to go into OT tonight !" I tanya "Its that deep?" "Yes!" Well, I knew it.

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"If tak deep, takkan darah berleceran and the hospital staffs knew our son is Autistic so tiada prosedur boleh dilakukan melalui LA (Local Anesthesia: bius setempat atau separa ). In his condition, perlu masuk Operation Theatre under General Anesthesia (bius seluruh tubuh) untuk perform the suture (jahitan).

"Masa nak masuk OT, mengamuk dia sebab nurses nak pakaikan OT gown. He screamed all the way and luckily bila the doctor came in, dia allow Raess to change into his regular clothing yang dia selesa. Time tu jugak, bila pakai his Tshirt and shorts, terus dia diam and he walked into the OT room himself!!!!

"Payah atau tidak lalui experience ni? Payah. I wont lie sekadar untuk buat a rosy story telling session. He was screaming masa the nurses pegang dia untuk set kan IV drip, lepas tu nangis jugak bila tangan berbalut sebab dia tak faham why he had to be in that condition.

"Lepas tu meraung lagi bila disuruh pakai scrubs. Special cases perlu pengecualian tertentu i guess . However, things akan ok with a lot of patience and kena sabar memujuk sebab dia tak faham why he has to go through all this ordeal. Lagikan anak tipikal pun mengamuk bila sakit kan? Apatah lagi dia ....

"My experience this time toughened me up so much more. Masuk temankan anak ke dalam OT, tengok pakar bius masukkan anethesia and sambut dia when he woke up after the procedur.. Im very thankful that the staff at @columbiaasia Setapak are so lovely and understanding about his condition. Semua were gentle on him. Thank you to all the staff who helped Jammal Raess and i go through all this...," tulisnya yang berkongsi cerita tersebut.

Pun begitu, Catriona bersyukur kerana pembedahan tersebut berjalan dengan lancar dan anaknya kembali ceria.

"Minutes after Jammal Raess sedar after his procedure. Its obvious yang dia masih rasa loya and groggy from all the medication (refer to my previous post) Tak ada lain yang lebih membahagiakan bila i was able to see him again and although he was nauseous and uncomfortable, I saw his eyes sparkle again when he saw me. So, welcome back baby!!!!!

"I panjat hospital bed and minta ditolak bersama. Sorry ye nurses .A mom has to do what a mom has to do ..but hey, nurses on level 1 in Columbia Asia Setapak rock !" ceritanya lagi.

Rata-rata pengikutnya mendoakan agar Raes segera sembuh dan urusan Catriona dipermudahkan. Untuk makluman, Catriona mendirikan rumah tangga dengan penerbit dan pengarah, Shaharuddin Mokhtaruddin pada Jun 2009. Dikurniakan tiga anak iaitu Sephia Rania, 9, Jammal Raess, 7, dan Edruce Riyadh, 5.

www.myartis.com / Sumber & foto: Astro Gempak & Instagram Catriona Ross


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