Tahniah diucapkan buat Noor Neelofa kerana telah menerima anugerah penghargaan iaitu Anugerah Tokoh Wanita di majlis gala Tribute to Women Malaysia 2016 dalam kategori perniagaan, Sabtu lalu.
Neelofa sebelum ini berjaya meraih jualan kasar sebanyak RM50 juta setahun melalui perniagaan tudungnya Naelofar.

Dalam majlis yang berlangsung di Hotel JW Marriot, Neelofa telah diberi anugerah tersebut oleh Raja Permaisuri Agong, Tuanku Hajah Haminah bersama 13 tokoh dan ikon wanita lain, antaranya Vivy Yusof bagi kategori perintis muda dan Pandelela Rinong bagi kategori sukan.
"Alhamdulillah yesterday (Saturday) was a memorable night for me. I am honoured to be receiving Business Award at the Tribute to Women Malaysia from the Queen herself! Nervous kejap

"Bila teringat balik when I first started my business in 2014, banyak cabaran dan dugaan yang dilalui but with strong support from Naelofar Hijab team, syukur we made it through together This award is for the whole NH team and supporter! Without you guys, we wouldn't make it this far. Thank you so much
"Success isn't overnight, it takes years. I won't deny, it's very challenging to start your own business but I always remind myself that the harder it gets, the better you'll be. This award is not the end, it's only the beginning of Naelofar Hijab's success!," ujar Neelofa di laman IGnya.

--- IKLAN ---


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Foto: Neelofa IG & FB
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